We travel responsibly, we stay safe

Our aim is safety of all!

icon Continuous disinfection procedures, both in the public areas as well as the fleet of our bus.
Στόχος μας, η ασφάλεια όλων! Συνεχείς εργασίες απολύμανσης, τόσο στους κοινόχρηστους χώρους όσο και στον στόλο των λεωφορείων μας.
Στόχος μας, η ασφάλεια όλων! Συνεχείς εργασίες απολύμανσης, τόσο στους κοινόχρηστους χώρους όσο και στον στόλο των λεωφορείων μας.

Instructions and precautionary measures to the public for the Covid 19

  • When traveling make sure to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  • When βήχουμε or sneeze cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue.
  • Do not travel if you have fever or cough, consult your doctor, take the next passenger, and the Company's employees.
  • Don't sit in the seats behind the driver, keep a distance from the driver, but also from your fellow travelers. Protect the staff of the BUS, so that any development should not affect the transportation project.
  • Follow the instructions of our employees. Show more tolerance and patience.
  • For all citizens who use Public Transport, it is mandatory the use of the mask.

Be aware that we make every effort to move you safely at all levels. Make sure you responsible to follow the instructions specific for the better protection of those around you, the fellow travelers and of our staff.

With cooperation and temper, together, we will overcome this unprecedented situation.

Thank you